Sunday, August 17, 2008
Underweight: Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms
It can be due to irregular eating habits, eating too cold and too rough foods and too much junk foods, malnourishment, or chronic diseases like Cancer. Vata constitution people are usually underweight. In new – born babies it can be a serious problem if the weight at the birth is below average. This is because during pregnancy the mother has not taken proper nutritious diet sufficient enough for herself and for the bady.
Lack of proper weight means, insufficient tissue development, which leads to low immunity. There is always vitiation of Vata hence various diseases of Vata may occur. Joint pains, weakness in muscles, insomnia, various types of neuralgic pains, fatigue after manual work are common symptoms.
Tonification therapy is ideal for this condition. Oils that are advised for tonification are sesame, almond, olive, and avocado. Tab. Ashwagandha, or tab. Shatavari, or tab. Amalaki, or tab. Skapikacchu are useful. Any one of these can be given 500 mgm; twice a day for 1 to 2 months with vidari, curculigo orchidis, asparagus adsendus, and jeevanti. These herbs can be supplemented with the tablets in dose of 1 gm. A day for 1 to 2 months.
Tonics like chyavanaprasha or dhatupaushtika churna or musli pak (YC) or brahmi rasayana can be given in dose of 1 to 3 tea spoons 2 to 3 times a day for 3 months.
Anti – Vata diet is advised. Proper nutritious food, which is fresh and properly cooked , should be consumed at regular time. Ayurveda has advised whole grains like wheat, oats, and brown rice, meat, fish, eggs, ghee, honey, raw sugar. Nuts and seeds like almond, walnuts, cashews, coconut and lotus seeds are good for strengthening nervous system. Black gram, mung beans, and chick – peas are also good. Fruits like dates, raisins, figs, pomegranate, and grape juice is good. Oil enemas, sufficient rest, oil massage, warm and comfortable baths and comfortable life style. Excess sexual activity should be reduced. Proper combination of work and rest should be followed
Obesity: Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms
Obesity is the most common metabolic disorder and is one of the oldest documented diseases. In Ayurveda as early as 1500 BC Charaka Samhita has described this disorder under the title “Medoroga” or diseased state of fat metabolism. According to charaka, the great Ayurvedic physician, an individual whose increased adipose and muscle tissue makes his hips, abdomen, and breasts pendulous and whose vitality is much less than his body size is obese.
Causative factors
Simple obesity is due to alimentary factors like overeating heavy, sweet, oily foods. Lack of exercise and hereditary predisposition. It can be due to other disorders of pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, gonads, pancreas, and hypothalamus.
Derangement of agni or digestive power leads to production of ama, which disturbs agni of fatty tissue, and blocks the proper formation of further tissues. Improperlhy formed fatty tissue accumulates in the body causing obesity. Accumulated fat causes disturbance to the movement of Vata , which in turn increases appetite. Patient therefore eats more and the entire food is then converted into improper fat tissue, creating a vicious circle.
Apart from the sighs described above, Charaka has described that such person has reduction of longevity, premature aging, unpleasant odor, excessive sweating, dyspnoea on mild exertion, excessive hunger and thirst, weakness , loss of vitality , loss of sexual power, and mental confusion. If the condition is not properly treated, various complications like hypertension, hypercholesterol, heart disorders, hyperacidity, kidney infection, diabetes, fistula, arthritis, and lipoma are produced.
Kapha type – Persons having kapha constitution, obesity is very common, as their metabolism is very slow. It has been found that to relieve strain or depression these people start eating. These people have the tendency to retain water. Hence the excess weight is mainly due to water retention and not due to accumulation of improper fatty tissue. In these individuals usually the function of the kidney is very weak.
Pitta type – Persons having Pitta constitution usually has excess appetite. However their metabolism is very rapid, hence they have less tendency to develop ovesity than kapha constitution. But if these people do not take care regarding excessive over eating sweets or sugars, then they can develop obesity.
Vata type – obesity in these people is very remarkable. There are fluctuations in gaining weight and losing weight. Many Vata persons eat to provide security against their nervousness or anxiety, which is common in these people.
To increase the tissue fire of fatty tissue, herbs like guggulu, carthamus tinctoris, careya arborea, and shilajatu are used.
Formation of ama is treated by toxin burning herbs like trikatu and catechu. Aggravation of Vata is treated by medicated enemas of cleansing type. Chennel blocking is treated by fat reducing – lekhana – herbs. Which have scraping action to open channels like chitraka and barbery. Externally the same herbs are used for massage with acorus calamus.
Tab. Triphala guggulu 500 mgm 3 to 4 times a day or tab. Gokshuradi guggulu 500 mgm. 3 to 4 times a day, or tab. Punarnavadi guggulu 500 mgm. 3 times a day can be given with tab. Chandraprabha 250 mgm. 3 times a day for 2 to 3 months. Similarly tab. Tapyadi lauha 250 mgm. Or tab. Shilajatwadi lauha 250 mgm. Twice a day can be supplemented with any of the above guggulu preparations.
Regular active exercise every day until there is perspiration on the temple and axial is a must. It can be in the form of cycling, swimming, jogging, running, or outdoor activities.
Avoid all fried heavy foods, chocolates, sweets, butter, cheese, paneer, red meat, as well as cold drinks and preserved foods. Light diet is recommended to provide only the necessary energy.
Hypotension: Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms
Lower arterial blood pressure than the range encountered generally is called Hypotension. If the systolic blood pressure is below 90, then it is called as low blood pressure. Excluding serious causes like shock and addison’s disease, it is due to underweight, and / or improper nutrition.
Due to low blood pressure, there is less supply of blood to brain. This can therefore lead to a lack of concentration, dizziness, and sometimes a mild headache.
It should be given according to the cause. Generally, medicines that improve digestion and thereby proper formation of tissues should be given. Tonification treatment for weight gain should be the treatment of choice. Rasayana preparations like tab. Ashwagandha, tab. Bala, tab, shatavari should be given according to the constitution of the patient 1 gm. 3 times a day for 1 to 2 month is beneficial.
Similarly vageekarana preparations like tab. Mucuna pruriens 125 mgm; twice a day for 1 month with ashwagandharishta or devadarvyarishta (BR) 15 ml. 3 times a day, are useful, Popular Ayurvedic rejuvenating tonic like chyavanaprasha 2 to 3 teaspoons every day for 1 month is also ideal.
Gastric Ulcer: Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms
Pain due to gastric ulcer is very typical. It starts immediately after meals, and gets relieved about 1 and ½ hours after eating when the stomach is empty or after vomiting.
Types and Symptoms
It can be acute or chronic. In the acute type the pain is very severe, and it starts suddenly after eating spicy food or food which causes gas in stomach. In the chronic type there is constant pain related to the intake of food. It may or may not be associated with burning in the stomach, nausea, or vomiting.
A simple home made preparation of charcoal of amalaki is very useful to treat this condition. First bring fresh emblica fruits, cut them into pieces and remive the seeds. Then dry the fruits and put them on iron pan. Put it on low fire, black soot with be formed, as the pieces with turn into a black charcoal. When the powder gets cool mix it with crystalline sugar and psyllium husk. This mixture is hygroscopic, hence must be kept in jar with tight lid. Give this mixture 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Charcoal of emblica absorbs the excess acid in the stomach and helps to heal the ulcer. It is also mild laxative in action.
Tab. Shatavari 500 mgm; with tab. Amalaki 500 mgm, twice a day Or vajrakshara powder 125 mgm, twice a day for 3 weeks should be given .
Amlapittantaka lauha or dhatri lauha (BR) 250 mgm; twoce a day should be given.
Anti-Pitta diet is advised. Avoid irregular meals, foods and drinks that irritate the stomach like spices, hot and sour foods, tobacco, and alcohol.
Beneficial foods are old basmati rice, milk, ghee, and butter. Fruits like oranges, raspberries, plums, melons are good, Vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, lettuce, and alfalfa sprouts are also advisable.
Diabetes Mellitus, Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms
In Ayurveda it is called as “Prameha” which means profuse urination. It is a metabolic disorder reflecting in abnormality of urine. Modern medicine also considers this as metabolic disorder, characterized by hyperglycemia, glycosuria, and disturbance in the insulin mechanism.
Causative factors
Increased Kapha after vitiating ojas, urinary system, and pancreas produces this disease. Vitiated Kapha is responsible for producing low tissue fire, which results in malformation of almost all the tissues in the body. This is therefore basically a metabolic disorder.
Increased appetite, increased urination, and increased thirst are the preliminary symptoms. Other symptoms are due to improper formation of almost all the tissues in the body. This includes debility, various pathological changes in color and smell of the urine, skin disorders, impotency, and heart disorders due to atherosclerosis. If the disease is not properly treated, complications like hypertension, obesity, hypercholesterol, and heart problems develop quickly. Long term diabetes becomes primarily a Vata disorder.
Kapha type Ten different types of urine abnormalities take place. (Please note that for each type, some paralled synonym from modern pathology has been described for understanding its quality. However it does not mean that it is exactly similar to the pathological condition described here. )
- Udakameha – Large quantity of urine, which is transparent, watery whitich and is cold without smell. Like hydruria.
- Ikshumeha – urine having sweet taste, and the turbid appearance and like the juice of sugar cane. Like glycosuria.
- Sandrameha – Urine with high viscosity. Like chyluria.
- Sandraprasadameha – When urine is kept overnight, it becomes partly viscous and partly clear. Like belluria.
- Shuklameha – Urine is whitish in color.
- Shukrameha – Patient passes urine, which is like semen. Like spermaturia.
- Shitameha – urine is white, sweet, and very cold. Like phosturia.
- Sikatameha – Vitiated doshas pass through urine like hard gravel substances. Like graveluria.
- Shanairmeha – Urine is passed very slowly and with difficulty.
- alalameha – urine is slimy like mucous and is full of threads, like pus in urine. Like pyuria.
Pitta type Six different types have been described:
- Ksharameha – urine has typical smell, color and looks like that of alkali. Like alkalinuria
- Kalameha – Large quantity of black colored urine. Like melanuria.
- Nilameha – The color of urine is blue. Like indigouria.
- Raktameha – Urine is red colored with smell like that of raw flesh. Like haematuria.
- Manjishthameha – Urine has smell like raw flesh and its color is red like manjishtha herb. Like haemoglobinuria.
- Haridrameha – Urine is yellow colored. Like urobilinuria.
Vata type Four types have been described:
- Vasameha – The appearance of urine is like fat. Like lipuria.
- Majjameha – The appearance of urine is like nerve tissue. Like myelouria.
- Hastimeha – Large quantity of urine is passed and urine is watery. Like diabetes insipidus.
- Madhumeha – Urine of the patient is sweet, slightly turbid and pale in color. Like diabetes mellitus.
Diabetes Mellitus is a very serious disease associated with many complications. If it is of juvenile onset, natural herbs or medicines can give very little help. Similarly, if the function of pancreas is completely destroyed, not much can be done. The aim in such conditions is to adjust the diet and improve the quality of lifr, by giving refuvenating herbs and correcting the water, fat tissue metabolism, so that the complications can be avoided.
In the long run, almost all types of diabetes turn into Vata type or diabetes mellitus. In such a condition, there is wasting of all tissues in the body with low strength, disturbance in ojas, and low immunity. Hence the importance of giving rejuvenating herbs can be understood here. There are many herbs available for treating all these different types like gymnema sylvestrum, careya arborea, pterocarpus marsipium, terminalia chebula, arjuna, berberis aristata, tinospora cordifolia, alstonia scholaris, ennicosterma littorale, curcuma , ficus glomerata, Eugenia jamnolana, aegle marmelos, caeseria esculata, and cassia auriculata.
Shilajatu and guggulu are very useful in this disorder because they can increase tissue fire and help the proper formation of all tissues and boost the function of the pancreas. Either can be used in dose of 1 gm. Twice a day for 3 months.
Western herbs that can be used are comfrey root, solomon’s seal, and ginseng. Similarly Chinese herbs like astragalus, pueraria, rehmania, and lyceum are also effective. Any one of these can be used in dose of 1 to 2 gms. A day for 1 month
Kapha type – Along with anti – kapha diet, shilajatu, and guggulu should be used. Bitter herbs like golden seal, myrrh, sage, gentian, cayenne, turmeric, aloe gel, and other pungent herbs are also useful. Mixture of any two of these can be used in dose of 1 gm. A day for 1 to 2 months. Popular ayurvedic formulas include tab. Chandraprabha 500 mgm, twice a day for 1 month, with tab. Vasant kusumakara 125 mgm, once a day.
Pitta type – anti – Pitta diet should be given with many bitter herbs. If there are symptoms like fever and thirst, use tab. Mauktik kamadugha 125 mgm, twice a day for 15 days or coral oxide 100 mgm, twice a day for 15 days. These can be combined effectively with tab. Mehmudgara (BR) 125 mgm, twice a day for 1 month.
Vata type – in this type there is weight loss, low immunity, low strength associated with many complications. Anti – Vata diet should be given carefully. Care must be taken to see that Kapha does not increase too much. Diet should include proper amounts of white meat, liquefied butter, nuts, and limitedsweet substances. Tab. Suvarna malini vasant (Ay. SS) 125 mgm, once a day with tab. Tarakeshwara rasa (BR) 125 mgm, twice a day is ideal
Chara treatment, massage, and shiro basti help to get rid of mental disturbances and improve nerve function. Ashwagandha, bala, tinospora cordifolia are important refuvenating herbs. These should be given with ghee.
Do,s and Don,ts
Anti – Kapha diet should be given. Restrict heavy, fried, and oily foods. Bitters like fenugreek, curcuma, or bitter gourd should be used in plenty. Honey in small quantities is good.
Constipation, Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms
Bowel movements differ from individual to individual. They depent on the type of diet and the general activity of the person. However constipation can be defined as accumulation of toxins in the colon due to improper bowel movements.
Ideally, one should have easy bowel movement in early morning and the stool should float on the water. It the stool sinks, is sticky, or has a very bad smell, this indicates the presence of ama or toxins in the colon.
Causative factors
Developing the proper urge in the morning is very important. The modern lifestyle of getting up late in the morning and rushing to work does not allow this habit to develop, which can lead to constipation. All Vata constitution persons suffer from this problem.
The main cause is dietary, eating a late meal after sundown or eating food that is hard to digest and that produces toxins in the colon. Food without roughage, too much coffee and tea, eating dry substances like legumes, drinking too cold drings and smoking contribute to constipation.
Other factors like not drinking enough water, staying awake late at night, insomnia, stress, nervousness, worry, grief, and fear is also responsible. Many elderly people suffer from constipation.
The tongue is the mirror of digestion. Usually the tongue has a slightly whitish coating when we get up from the bed. But after scraping of the tongue (apractice that should be done in addition to brushing the teeth every morning) this coating disappears.
Vata type- there is brownish coating on the tongue that cannot be removed even by scraping the tongue. There may be sense of uneasiness in the abdomen, pain with gas formation, hard stools, and low digestive fire.
Pitta type – eating too much spicy food, walking in hot sun, and hot drinking enough water, are the main causes. In this type the hard stools are slightly yellowish accompanied with burning sensation .
Kapha type – This is due to obstruction of colon or due to lot of mucous in the intestines. Because of this there is sensation of heaviness in the colon, lethargy, and low digestive fire. The stools are whitish in colour and there may be gas in the abdomen. The tongue is coated with a whitish colour and the person has bad breath.
Acute constipation
For immediate relief, give 60 to 70 ml. Of warm sesame oil enema. Massage the abdomen with sesame oil and carry out light fomentation of the abdomen. If it is not possible, apply glycerin suppository. If the tongue is white coated , it means that there are lot of toxins in the colon. Fasting, anti-ama diets, and herbs to detoxify should be given. When the digestion is improved, then give strong purgatives like senna or rhubarb.
Chronic constipation
Giving laxatives or purgatives cannot treat this, because constant use of purgatives creates dryness in the colon that in turn increases constipation.
Triphala is a combination of three myrobalan fruits : amalaki, haritaki, and bibhitaki. Usually a combination in proportion of 2:1:1 of these three fruits makes a good laxative. This can be given in dose of 1 to 3 gms; at night, with warm water. Triphala also acts as a rejuvenating medicine in old age.
Abhayarishta is also a medicine of choice for this condition. 30 ml. Twice day should be given for 1 month.
Dringing a glass of warm milk with 1 tea – spoonful of ghee every day at night for 3 months is advised. Or drinking 4 teaspoons of warm sesame oil every day at night is also beneficial.
Correction of dietary habits is a must. It is advisable to take lot of green vegetables cooked or uncooked, plenty or fruits, with oily and bulk-forming foods containing high amount of roughage or fiber. Food must be taken at proper time, irregular food habits cause constipation. Working late at night should be avoided. Drinking plenty of water is beneficial. Ayurveda has advised to drink water from copper vessel. Ask the patient to fill up copper vessel with fresh water at his bedside, and drink the same in the early morning, as much as he can. This sets a gastrointestinal colic reflex, which in turn helps the bowels to clean. This with have no immediate effects, but after 3 to 4 weeks the bowels should start functioning properly.
Vata type – is usually found in Vata constitution persons and in elderly patients. As age advances, Vata starts getting aggravated; excessive smokings, taking diuretic drugs, anxiety, and worry increases it more.
Anti – Vata diet with oily food, nuts, cooked vegetables, sesame oil, ghee, plenty of warm water is beneficial. Vata tea containing ginger, licorice, and cardamom; asafetida and trikatu are good to help digestion.
Medicated enema of sesame oil is the best remedy. It should be given on alternate days 60 to 70 c.c. in the evening. If this is not sufficient , give cleansing enema alternately with oil enema. For cleansing enema, use decoction of sida cordifolia, fennel, and cardamom with little sesame oil and honey. When intestines get lubricated, the problem of constipation is relieved. For vata types, bulk laxatives such as bran, flaxseed, and psyllium seeds should be given 1 to 3 gms; with milk or sweet fruit fuites at night.
Pitta type : Anti – Pitta diet should be advised. In this type, constipation is the result of high Pitta due to inflammation. Use cleansing enema of licorice and shatavari. Usually bitter herbs having cooling action are good. Aloe, Echinacea, gentian, rhubarb, and yellow dock are useful. Any one of these herbs can be given in dose of 1 to 3 gms. Every day, till the constipation is relieved.
If there is pain in the abdomen, before giving strong purgatives, take care to rule out inflammation of the appendix. In such cases always avoid giving strong purgatives, as it may lead to perforation, which is very serious condition.
Kapha type – Anti – kapha diet should be given, ask the patient to take basmati rice with bread and raw vegetables with fruits like apples, banana, prune, grape, or cherry. Bulk laxatives should never be given in such type. It is better to give strong purgatives like Epsom salt, senna, or rhubarb. Any one of these can be given in dose of 1 gm. At night every day for 3 weeks.
Hyperacidity: Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms
It is also called Amlapitta in Ayurveda. Excessive secretion of improper gastric acid in stomach causes this disorder.
Causative Factors
When pachaka pitta is vitiated by its liquid qualities and affects stomach and small intestine, this condition is produced. In a healthy condition, Pitta has hot and penetrating qualities. Hence it can digest the food properly. But in this disease, its liquid quality increases. Therefore although it increases in quantity, its digestive capacity is reduced.
Food that is very hot, oily, fried, and having pungent, sour, and salty taste, too much eating sweets, pastries , cakes, and excessive sugars can cause acidity by fermentation. Excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco smoking are important causes. Working near heat, furnaces, staying awake late at night, working in the vicinity of petrol, colours, dyes, fumes of toxic gases can cause acidity. If the acidity, is not properly treated, it may turn into a peptic ulcer.
It has been divided in two types : upper and lower
Upper type – symptoms are predominantly present in the upper part of the stomach. There may be burning in chest, acid belching, sour taste in the mouth, nausea, and vomiting with coloured and sour acid in the vomited material. There may be pain in the abdomen with slight fever.
Lower type – symptoms are predominantly in the small intestine and patient suffers from diarrhoea with pain in the small intestine region. Although the patient suffers from loose motions, he does not suffer from weakness (which is usually present in actual diarrhoea). In both cases, loss of appetite is present.
For both types, during sama pitta stage i.e. when Pitta is vitiated due to toxins, detoxification should be done first. Later on a mild laxative like rhubarb of amalaki is the treatment of choice for removal of vitiated pitta from gastrointestinal tract. When ama gets detoxified, nirama stage anti-pitta diet should be prescribed. Patient should not to drink too much water and other fluids, taking meals at regular time is very important.
Lower type – All herbs having bitter and cooling action and having Pitta palliation action are good. Herbs of choice are swertia chirata and amalaki. Popular Ayurvedic formula like panchamrita parpati is ideal to treat this condition. This should be given in dose of 125 mgm; 3 times a day for 15 days.
Upper type – Herbs which are effective are shatavari, licorice, amalaki, sandalwood, lotus, and dorva. Similarly sea products like praval, conch, pearl are also very good. Any of these can be gien in dose of 100 mgm; twice a day for 15 days.
In sama stage or when toxins are present with vitiated Pitta, use tab. Sootashekhara 250 mgm; 3 times day till the toxins are digested.
When toxins are digested and nirama stage is present, then medicines of choice are praval panchamrit (combination of oxides of all sea products like conch, pearl etc.) 500 mgm. And tab. Amalaki – both 500 mgm; each, 3 times day for 3 weeks, are the medicines of choice. They should be combined with mild herbs that will give mental tranquility. Because in majority cases, mental stress and strain is also prominent causative factor. Nervine tonics like jatamansi and brahmi have fruitful action. These should be given as mixture of equal parts in dose of 1 gm. At night.
Lower type – After detoxifying the ama, give bhoonimbadi kwath (SS) 15 ml. 3 times day with amlapittantaka lauha (BR) 100 mgm 3 times for 15 days.
Western herbs like gotu cola, skullcap, valerian are also very effective.
Do’s and Don’ts
Avoid all causative factors, like Pitta increasing pungent, salty, oily, fried, sour foods and drinks, carbonated drings, drings with preservatives, alcohol, fermented foods, smoking, working near heat, working with chemicals, petrol and dyes.
Green gram or mung with rice and wheat should be taken. Use plenty of milk, which is natural antacid and ghee, which pacifies Pitta. N the early morning it is advisable to eat puffed rice with crystalline sugar. This mixture absorbs the Pitta secretions accumulated in the stomach during the night. If the bowels are constipated it is advisable to eat 10 to 15 black resins at night with warm milk at night for 2 minths.
Headache: Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms
Pain anywhere in the region of head.
Causative factors and types
Pain anywhere is always due to Vata vitiation. Owever, Pitta and Kapha can be associated with Vata for causing headaches. In Ayurveda headache is classified under the term “shiro roga” Ayurveda describes 11 types of headaches, and other diseases in which headache is the prominent symptom. There are two main causes of headaches : intracranial and extracranial.
Intracranial causes – Trauma, Inflammation of meninges, encephalitis, cerebral abscess, vascular headache due to migraine, hypertension, cerebral haemorrhage or aneurysm, vasodilator drugs, alcohol hangover, withdrawal of habit forming drugs, and coffee.
Extracranial causes – These include, trauma to soft tissues of scalp, bones, and sinuses. Other causes like anoxia, toxic fevers, metabolic factors, neuritis, and neuralgia can cause severe headache. Reflex causes from eye, ear, and teeth also cause headache. Similarly stress and strain are responsible for tension headaches.
Vata type – is characterized by severe hammering type of pain with anxiety, constipation, lack of sleep, and depression . It can be due to worry and strain.
Pitta type – headache is accompanted with a burning sensation, pain in the eyes, irritability, and photophobia. Migraine headache with nausea, vomiting, blurring of vision. And headache restricting to the half side of the head is usually Pitta type.
Kapha type – is dull aching pain with cold or heaviness in head.
Ardhavabhedaka- is typical migraine headache.
Suryavaria – In this type the intensity of headache increases as the sun rises.
Shankhaka – In this type, headache is more prominent in the temporal region.
Anantavata – is due to vitiation of all doshas, this is a type in which the intensity is very severe.
For Vata type , keep the bowels open by giving triphala at night. Useful herbs include jatamansi, valerian, or gotu kola.
Tab. Shirashooladivajra ras (BR) 2 or 3 times a day or tab. Mahavata – vidhwansana rasa (RYS) 125 mgm; twice a day, with warm water relieves headache quickly.
For Kapha type, This type is usually associated with sinus congestion. Hence the best treatment is to give anu oil for nasal instillation. Kapha tea containing ginger, clove, basil, and camphor should be given .
Tab. Shoola – gajakesari – rasa 125 mgm; 3 to 4 times a day is beneficial. For Vata and Pitta type, nasya of simple sesame oil of liquid ghee is useful.
For Vata and Kapha type apply paste of dry ginger or calamus on the head. Application of balm containing clove and cinnamon is also useful in this condition.
Pitta type – give tab. Amalaki 500 mgm; and tab. Shatavari 500 mgm; twice a day, for 1 month. Apply sandalwood paste on the temple.
If constipation is present, give avipattikara powder 1 gm. At night or use herbs like rhubarb 1 gm. Twice day for 15 days.
Hemorrhoids: Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms
Haemorrhoids are varicose veins protruding from the rectal mucous membrane in the rectal canal. In Ayurveda they have been calld “Arsha” meaning the disease of rectum giving pain like nail in the rectum.
Causative factors
Hemorrhoids are caused by low digestive fire, vitiation of all doshas, especially that of apana vayu, accumulation of waste products and varicosity of veins in the rectum. Constant traveling in sitting posture on hard seat, chronic constipation, and pregnancy are predisposing factors.
Vata type – Piles are very hard, rough and blachish in colour. They are very painful usually accompanied by constipation.
Pitta type – Piles are very soft, reddish in colour, inflamed and bleeding. Thirst, diarrhoea, fever may present.
Kapha type – Piles are whitish, large , soft and slimy with low digestive fire.
Vata-kapha type – First apply some sesame oil or chandan bala lakshadi oil to the external piles if there are any, and then carry out fomentation which is best remedy. Sitting in small tub with warm water, in such a way, that the buttocks are submerged in hot water is ideal. If this is not possible, then local fomentation of rectum relieves pain quickly. Herbs of choice are trikatu, cassia fistula, mimosa pudica, amomorphallus campanulatus, ailanthus excelsa, blumea balsamifera and berberis aristata. For proper digestion give asafetida, fennel, or cumin. Mild laxatives like flaxseed, psyllium should be given with warm milk or ghee at night.
For dry piles the best medicine is semicarpus anacardium. However this must be used in caution, as it may produce allergic reaction.
Tab. Kankayana bati 250 mgm. 3 times a day for 1 month or tab. Suran vatak and tab. Bahushala gur (BR) each should be given 250 mgm. 3 times a day for 3 weeks.
Tab. Arshoghni bati (SYS) or tab. Pranada gutika (BR) – 250 mgm; 3 times a day for 1 month is also a good remedy.
Pitta type – Mesua ferea and holerrhena antidysenterica are the herbs that acts best. These should be given with buttermilk or fresh butter. Western herbs like gentian, dandelion, golden seal, and yellow. Dock having cooling effect and are very effective against Pitta. Mild laxative like rhubarb with amalaki powder or avipattikara powder is indicated. If bleeding is too much use anti styptic or astringent herbs like cattail, bistot, mullein or agrimony in dose of 1 gm. 3 times a day for 7 days.
For bleeding piles give powder of mesua ferrea – nagakeshara, in dose of 500 mgm; 3 times a day for 15 days.
Kutajavaleha 1 teaspoonful twice a day for 1 month is helpful.
Take ghee with warm milk every night for soothing effect in the large intestine. Plenty of green vegetables, which are bitter and slight astringent in taste, are advised. They with also prevent constipation. Buttermilk with rock sait is indicated. Yam, spinach, ladyfinger are beneficial.
Cough, Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms
Any irritation of upper respiratory tract, throat, pharynx, bronchi, trachea and even the pleura of the lung produce cough or Kasa. Although it can be due to vitiation of all doshas, Vata dosha plays the predominate part. According to doshic predominance, five different types of cough are described in Ayurveda.
Causative factors
Inflammation of bronchi, pleura, lung, as well as organs like pharynx produces cough. Hence in bronchitis, pharyngitis, asthma, bronchiectasis, and pleurisy cough is a common symptom. Diseases like whooping cough and nervous hysteria also produce cough. It can be due to reflex causes due to irritation of gastrointestinal tract, irritation of diaphragm, and pericarditis. Remote causes like ear disorders with impacted wax and sub – diaphragmatic abscess can also cause cough. Ayurveda has classified this diseases in 5 types Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Kshataja and Kshayaja.
Vata type of cough is usually dry, hacking type with little expectoration, headache and pain in the chest. There may be dryness in the mouth with hoarseness of voice.
Pitta type of cough has yellow sputum sometimes with streaks of blood, fever, thirst, and dryness in the mouth. There may be burning sensation in the mouth and pharynx.
Kapha type of cough is with thick expectoration. It is slimy and white in colour . Patient complains of sweet taste in mouth, heaviness in the body, and the lungs are full of mucous.
Kshataja type is always associated with pus in the sputum and general signs of cachexia.
Vata type – In dry cough which is hacking type, external oleation of sesame oil and wet fomentation of chest should be done. Piper longum, black pepper, abies webbiana, innula racemosus, jatamansi, ginger, losanum xanthocarpum are medicines of choice . If these herbs are not available, use demulcent expectorants like licorice.
Pitta type – This type of cough is with yellowish sputume. The herbs of choice are vasa, licoris, amalaki and chandana.
Kapha type – Herbs of choice are camphor, trikatu, triphala, guggulu and shilajit.
Common Cold: Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms
It is a catarrh disorder of upper respiratory tract. It may be viral, mixed infection, or allergic. In Ayurveda it is known as “Pratishyaya.”
Causative Factors
When vitiated Kapha, disturbs upper respiratory tract, a cold is produced. Sometimes Vata and Pitta are also vitiated. Colds often result because of a breakdown in the immune system and so it acts as the first stage of other diseases. It is associated with other diseases such as flu, sinusitis, and cough.
Running of nose with sneezing is common complaint. It may be accompanied with fever, headache, lithargy and sneezing.
Vata type – associated with dry cough, little mucous, hoarseness of voice, and a running nose. Many times the discharge is watery. It is accompanied by severe headache.
Pitta type – usually there is fever, sore throat , and nasal discharge that are slightly yellowish. Sometimes the nose gets blocked due to inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nose and the patient cannot breath properly.
Kapha type – the discharge from the nose is very thick and sticky. There is heaviness in the head with dull headache. It cold is not properly treated it often turns into chronic sinusitis, bronchitis, chronic cough, and even tuberculosis.
The aim should be to use heating, diaphoretic, and anti cough herbs. Typical Ayurvedic herbs include ginger, cinnamon, long pepper, piper nigrum, basil, cloves, eucalyptus, camphor, and mint. Fresh ginger or herbal tea with spices like trikatu, and camphor is ideal. Bhringasava (AYSS) 15 ml. 3 times a day for 7 days is beneficial.
Plenty of warm water with honey or lemon juice should be given. Chinese herb ma-jung should be used in decoction form 15 ml 3 times a day for 15 days.
An anti-Kapha and anti – ama diet is advised. If possible, fasting should be done for one day. Afterwards, warm water, light vegetable soups, or steamed vegetables should be taken. All dairy products like cheese, yougurt, milk, all heavy, oily foods. And sweets should be avoided.
Backache: Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms
Although pain anywhere in the back is known as backache, usually it is connected to the vertebral column or the attached muscles. The vertebral column consists of 24 vertebrae and the sacrum and the coccyx of the pelvic region.
Causative Factors
Various diseases of the vertebral column, spinal cord diseases, and meninges, fibrosis, lumbago, slipped disk, and other diseases of the abdominal and pelvic organs. Lack of calcium after delivery, obesity, tubercular infections, fractures, and tumours can also be responsible. In modern days however, defective posture, stress, and incorrect use of the back in lifting are the primary causes.
Vata vitiation, bone weakness, and muscle weakness are the major factors to consider when providing treatment.
For massage, use narayan or mahanarayan oil if the Vata is nirama. In the ama stage, use vishgarbha oil. Then mild fomentation or warm tub bath should be taken.
Since this is Vata disorder, a Panchakarma procedure like alternate cleansing enema and oil enema is beneficial. For enema, 60 to 70 ml. Of sesame oil should be used and it should be given preferably in the evening. Courses of alternate medicated enema 7, 10, or 15 should be given.
Tab. Vata – vidhwansana 125 mgm; 3 times a day with tab. Punarnava guggulu 250 mgm; 3 times a day should be given for 3 weeks, with rasnadi kwath or dashamoolarishta (BR) 15 ml. 3 times a day warm water.
Arthritis: Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms
Inflammation of the joints is called arthritis. It can be acute or chronic. In Ayurveda it is commonly known as Sandhivata. Sandhi means joint and vitiation of Vata is usually the prominent factor in this disease. Acute arthritis may result due to trauma, infections, gout, or haemophilia. Sumilarly it can be due to toxins commonly known as ama. When this toxin mixes with a vitiated dosha, it can cause acute arthritis. Chronic arthritis can also be due to different infections like tuberculosis and collagen as well as degenerative disorders. Immunological disorders and vitiation of doshas are many times responsible for chronic arthritis.
Traumatic Arthritis
Vata vitiation is the predominant factor in the pathogenesis. If there are no visible injuries on the skin, then external application of curcuma amada with lime is beneficial . Apply vishgarbha oil and then carry out the fomentation of the affected joint.
Tab. Rasnadi guggul (YR) 250 mgm; and tab. Guduchi 250 mgm; with warm water three to four times a day for two weeks is the best remedy.
Rheumatic Arthritis
In Ayurveda this is called as amavata. A low digestive fire produces ama or toxins in the digestive tract, which then circulates the entire body from the heart and blood vessels causing a fever, heart disorders, and joint problems. The disease starts in the stomach, manifests in the joints and the heart, and then spreads at the Kapha dosha sites in the body.
The main symptom of this disease is a fleeting type of pain in the big joints. The inflammation and pain shifts from joint to joint very rapidly. In the acute stage, the big joints are inflamed on a given day and then absolutely normal the next day when some other joint becomes affected.
When the heart gets involved usually the mitral valve is affected and there is either stenosis or regurgitation type deformity. Hence it is said that this disease “bites the joints and leaks the heart.” Therefore when ama is present in the digestive system, one should never carry out excessive exercise. Otherwise ama spreads throughout the entire body and can cause this disease.
To destroy ama, fasting should be carried out in the acute stage. The swollen joints should be fomented by dry heat either by electrical pads or by using hot sand or infrared lamp. Castor oil is very useful bedause of its power of removing ama. One teaspoon of castor oil should be taken internally with garlic tea. Mixture of garlic, galangal, punarnava, guggulu in dose of 1 gm. A day and dashmoolarishta 15 ml. 3 times a day for 3 weeks is useful.
Ama stage
In this stage, the joints are inflamed, swollen, and very painful. Application of prasarani oil (BP) helps to relieve sever pain in this acute condition. Until the ama is detoxified, the patient should take only warm vegetable soup. Whenever the patient is thirsty , he should drink warm water or herbal tea.
To detoxify ama, hot spices like turmeric, myrrh, and cayenne are good. Oil of wintergreen, saindhavadi oil (BR) or rasona oil should be massaged externally on the inflamed joints, and they should be forented by dry heat.
To protect heart, use yakuti rasa (SYS) 10 mgm; twice a day for 3 weeks. To get rid of pain due to swollen joints, give tab. Sinhanada guggulu (BR) 250 mgm; 3 times a day with mahavata- vidhwansana- rasa in dose of 25 mgm; twoce a day for 3 weeks.
Mahayogaraja guggulu 250 mgm; 3 times a day wit rasnadi kwath 15 ml. 3 times a day can be used also for the same purpose.
Nirama stage
In this stage the swelling of the joints disappears but they are still very much painful. When ama gets detoxified, this no ama stage is present.
Tab. Sinhanada guggulu 250 mgm, 3 times a day for 3 weeks is ideal. Also devils claw and yucca root have been used successfully for this stage.
During this stage patient can take light diet, which with not disturb digestive fire . Soup of white meat, basmati rice, ghee, buttermilk or milk and plenty of fruit fuice can be taken with green vegetables.
Avoid Vata and Kapha increasing foods like curds, cheese, fruits having cold potency (like banana, guava, cucumber), cold drinks, and working in damp and cold atmosphere. Castor oil is beneficial. Two teaspoons of castor oil in ginger tea every day is advised.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Vitiated Vata affects the joints and produces this disease. This is also known as Sandhigata Vata. The small and large affected joints are painful and swollen. If it is not treated properly, after chronic stage, deformity may develop in affected joints. People after 40 are affected most often. It is a systemic connective tissue disorder affecting joints, hence muscle wasting, and inflammation of muscles around the joint is very common. Generalized osteoporosis in seen in many cases. Serum RA factor is present due to immunological changes.
In typical vata type, the pain is throbbing, migrating, and cutting. It is relieved by fomentation. Deformity is more likely to take place. Other symptoms of Vata aggravation like constipation, gas, nervousness, and insomnia are common. Pitta type Joints are more inflamed, red, hot to touch accompanied with fever, thirst and irritability. Pain increases by fomentation. In the Kapha type, there is more swelling and edema around the joints, and the pain is dull aching type, which is relieved by fomentation.
Vata type use Galangal, dashmoola ten roots, guggulu and punarnava are herbs of choice. Purificatory procedures for Vata such as oil enema and decoction enema should be given alternately. Affected joints should be massaged with sahacharadi oil and then fomentation with medicated vapour of herbs like basil.
Herbs like black cohosh root, prickly ash bark, ashwagandha root, are the herbs of choice. Rasnadi guggulu 250 mgm; 3 times a day for 1 month is medicine of choice.
Pitta type Give cold fomentation or ice packs to reduce the inflammation of the joints. Aloe, curcuma, berberry, guduchi, yucca root, devil’s claw are herbs of choice. Massage with cooling oils like sandalwood. A preparetion called as chandanbalalakshadi oil, is used in this condition.
Kapha type – herbs of choice are trikatu, clematis root, ginseng, cocklebur fruit, cayenne, and calamus. For external massage, wintergreen oil and vishagarbha oil is indicated. If the pain and swelling is too much, dry fomentation by infrared lamp or heated sandbag is beneficial.
- Osteo Arthritis
This is also called as Asthigata Vata. This is the disease that occurs in people usually above 50 years . Affected joints are painful, patient also suffers from other symptoms of Vata vitiation like loss of sleep, weakness, and loss of strength in the muscles.
Vata type – Vata palliation diet supplemented with natural calcium is essential. Coral pearl, conch oxide, or oxide prepared from eggshell is ideal. A preparetion that is a mixture of five natural calcium, known as praval panchamrita 125 mgm; twoce a day for 1 month, is commonly used in this condition. Natural calcium if given with some fatty substance like medicated ghee of triphala shows beneficial results. Tab. Lakshadi guggulu (BR) 250 mgm; 3 times a day for 3 months is indicated.
Medicated enema of tonification variety is the treatment of choice. For this use decoction mixture of 100 ml. Dashmola, 4 grams of rock salt, and 25 ml. Honey.
Massage the joints with narayan oil, bala oil, or dhanvantari oil is very effective . When these oils are not available, use simple sesame oil, or one can cook available anti – arthritic herbs with sesame oil for external massage.
Pitta type – along with anti – Pitta diet, bitter herbs like aloe, azadirechta indica, turmeric and ghee should be given . Application of sandalwood oil with cold ice packs to the joints is useful.
Kapha type – anti – Kapha diet should be given with spicy and hot berbs like cayenne , ginger, saffron, musk, and calamus.
Mahayogaraj guggulu (SS) 250 mgm; twice a day for 1 month has good results.
External use of medicated sesame oil helps to loosen joints, detoxify the ama and improve the affected joint function. For this purpose prasarini oil is the best.
Proper nutritive food with Vitamin A and D should be given. Natural calcium is available in many dairy products like cheese, milk, butter, and ghee. These should be taken with ghee and plenty of green vegetables.
Acne: Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms
Acne Definition
This condition is most common among young people. In general, women are affected more often than men are. In most individuals, the facial skin is affected.
Causative factors of Acne
Acne is a disorder due to vitiation of all doshas. However pitta vitiation is the predominant factor. Pitta vitiates the blood and the skin to form acne. Hormonal disturbances may cause this disease in adolescents. Although it is common inflammatory disease of the pilo sebaceous follicles, characterized by commedones, which are secondarily infected resulting in papules, pustules, cysts, nodules and scars, it is also related to the disturbance in menstrual cycle and digestive tract problems.
Acne Types and Symptoms
According to its structure, shape , and constituents, acne is divided into 6 different types ; mild acne vulgaris, acne papulosa, acne indurate, acne cystica, acne atrophica, and acne keloidalis.
Although Pitta and rakta vitiation is common in all, Vata is predominant in acne atrophica and Kapha is predominant in acne cystica and acne keloidalis.
Acne has also been classified as premenstrual acne, adolescent acne and Acne vulgaris. As the name suggests, premenstrual acne appears before the menstrual cycle and disappears when the cycle is over
Acne Treatment
Treat the proper cause like disturbance in menstrual cycle or gastrointestinal tract problem . Depending upon whether the skin is too dry, too ioly or whether infection is present, different type of treatment must be given. If the skin is oily and inflammation is present, fomentation on face with medicated vapor of water and few basil leaves or little oil of eucalyptus, at least twice a day, and then drying the face is beneficial. If there is no inflammation the the skin is oily, simply rub boiled lemon peels to remove oiliness. In this case, apply of mixture of amalaki powder, cyperus powder, red lentil powder, and curcuma in water.
Remember that no thick oily pastes should be applied, as this will close the pores on the skin and then the problem will increase. For dry skin, apply a mixture of equal parts of sandal wood powder, curcuma zedoaria, red sandal powder, and milk twice a day.
Pitta type – The best herbs to alleviate pitta are cyndon dactylon, shatavari, amalaki and chandan. If infection is present, tab. Guduchi 250 mgm, 3 times a day for 15 days is indicated. Medicated ghee with bitter herbs is ideal for this condition. For blood purification, alliterative herbs should be used like Indian sarsaparilla, rubia cordifolia, and curcuma.
Western herbs like Echinacea, goldenseal, yello dock and gentian root can be used in this condition.
The bowels should be kept open by such mild laxatives as rhubarb or triphala.
Vata Kapha type – herbs indicated , are poria, marshmallow, myrrh gum and wild yam root in dose of 1 gm. Mixture of equal parts twice a day for 1 month. Arogyavardhini 125 mgm, 3 times a day for 15 days is the medicine of choice. To avoid recurrence, take care of digestive fire.
Do’s and Don’ts
It is necessary not to squeeze the acne or the pimples on the face . This precaution is a must when infected acne is present in the area of lips. Also do not excoriate the acne.