Sunday, August 17, 2008

Acne: Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms

Acne Definition

This condition is most common among young people. In general, women are affected more often than men are. In most individuals, the facial skin is affected.

Causative factors of Acne

Acne is a disorder due to vitiation of all doshas. However pitta vitiation is the predominant factor. Pitta vitiates the blood and the skin to form acne. Hormonal disturbances may cause this disease in adolescents. Although it is common inflammatory disease of the pilo sebaceous follicles, characterized by commedones, which are secondarily infected resulting in papules, pustules, cysts, nodules and scars, it is also related to the disturbance in menstrual cycle and digestive tract problems.

Acne Types and Symptoms

According to its structure, shape , and constituents, acne is divided into 6 different types ; mild acne vulgaris, acne papulosa, acne indurate, acne cystica, acne atrophica, and acne keloidalis.

Although Pitta and rakta vitiation is common in all, Vata is predominant in acne atrophica and Kapha is predominant in acne cystica and acne keloidalis.

Acne has also been classified as premenstrual acne, adolescent acne and Acne vulgaris. As the name suggests, premenstrual acne appears before the menstrual cycle and disappears when the cycle is over

Acne Treatment

Treat the proper cause like disturbance in menstrual cycle or gastrointestinal tract problem . Depending upon whether the skin is too dry, too ioly or whether infection is present, different type of treatment must be given. If the skin is oily and inflammation is present, fomentation on face with medicated vapor of water and few basil leaves or little oil of eucalyptus, at least twice a day, and then drying the face is beneficial. If there is no inflammation the the skin is oily, simply rub boiled lemon peels to remove oiliness. In this case, apply of mixture of amalaki powder, cyperus powder, red lentil powder, and curcuma in water.

Remember that no thick oily pastes should be applied, as this will close the pores on the skin and then the problem will increase. For dry skin, apply a mixture of equal parts of sandal wood powder, curcuma zedoaria, red sandal powder, and milk twice a day.

Pitta type – The best herbs to alleviate pitta are cyndon dactylon, shatavari, amalaki and chandan. If infection is present, tab. Guduchi 250 mgm, 3 times a day for 15 days is indicated. Medicated ghee with bitter herbs is ideal for this condition. For blood purification, alliterative herbs should be used like Indian sarsaparilla, rubia cordifolia, and curcuma.

Western herbs like Echinacea, goldenseal, yello dock and gentian root can be used in this condition.

The bowels should be kept open by such mild laxatives as rhubarb or triphala.

Vata Kapha type – herbs indicated , are poria, marshmallow, myrrh gum and wild yam root in dose of 1 gm. Mixture of equal parts twice a day for 1 month. Arogyavardhini 125 mgm, 3 times a day for 15 days is the medicine of choice. To avoid recurrence, take care of digestive fire.

Do’s and Don’ts

It is necessary not to squeeze the acne or the pimples on the face . This precaution is a must when infected acne is present in the area of lips. Also do not excoriate the acne.

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