Stress Management
Daily physical activity is one of the most effective natural remedies for controlling stress. Regular exercise has been shown to strengthen the heart and lower blood pressure naturally. Other alternative methods, including meditation and other deep relaxation techniques, such as yoga, tai chi or just learning to let go of painful thoughts, can calm nerves and lower blood pressure significantly. Reflexology is another very simple form of natural healing, and is used to help break up and remove blockages in the body and restore proper blood circulation.
Increase the consumption of organic fresh fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, apples, broccoli, melons, celery, and green leafy vegetables. Eat a high-fiber diet, especially oat bran, which is an excellent source of fiber. Fiber helps to eliminate impurities from the body and is beneficial in reducing heart disease. Fresh "live" juices are another great addition to your eating plan. Here are some healthful suggestions: carrot, celery, cranberry, citrus fruit, parsley, and watermelon juice. Consume grains like buckwheat, millet, oats, and brown rice, and take two tablespoons of flaxseed oil daily. Flaxseed oil is rich in essential fatty acids, which is beneficial for blood vessels, circulation and lowering blood pressure.
Helpful Herbs
--Garlic is highly effective in lowering blood pressure.
--Hawthorn may lower both blood pressure and cholesterol
--Olive leaf has powerful antioxidant properties and can help reduce hypertension.
--Valerian root and hops are good for calming the nerves.
Beneficial Dietary Supplements
--Magnesium, Calcium, and Potassium deficiencies have been linked to high blood pressure
--L-arginine is an amino acid that lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
--Selenium deficiencies have been linked to heart disease. Vitamin E improves heart function and acts as a blood thinner. Use with care if taking an instruction blood thinner.
--Vitamin C helps decrease blood clotting and improve adrenal task.
--Lecithin helps eliminate fat and improve liver function to lower blood pressure.
Read More Information on Natural Remedies and Stress Management Information
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