Sunday, August 17, 2008

Cough, Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms


Any irritation of upper respiratory tract, throat, pharynx, bronchi, trachea and even the pleura of the lung produce cough or Kasa. Although it can be due to vitiation of all doshas, Vata dosha plays the predominate part. According to doshic predominance, five different types of cough are described in Ayurveda.

Causative factors

Inflammation of bronchi, pleura, lung, as well as organs like pharynx produces cough. Hence in bronchitis, pharyngitis, asthma, bronchiectasis, and pleurisy cough is a common symptom. Diseases like whooping cough and nervous hysteria also produce cough. It can be due to reflex causes due to irritation of gastrointestinal tract, irritation of diaphragm, and pericarditis. Remote causes like ear disorders with impacted wax and sub – diaphragmatic abscess can also cause cough. Ayurveda has classified this diseases in 5 types Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Kshataja and Kshayaja.


Vata type of cough is usually dry, hacking type with little expectoration, headache and pain in the chest. There may be dryness in the mouth with hoarseness of voice.

Pitta type of cough has yellow sputum sometimes with streaks of blood, fever, thirst, and dryness in the mouth. There may be burning sensation in the mouth and pharynx.

Kapha type of cough is with thick expectoration. It is slimy and white in colour . Patient complains of sweet taste in mouth, heaviness in the body, and the lungs are full of mucous.

Kshataja type is always associated with pus in the sputum and general signs of cachexia.


Vata type – In dry cough which is hacking type, external oleation of sesame oil and wet fomentation of chest should be done. Piper longum, black pepper, abies webbiana, innula racemosus, jatamansi, ginger, losanum xanthocarpum are medicines of choice . If these herbs are not available, use demulcent expectorants like licorice.

Pitta type – This type of cough is with yellowish sputume. The herbs of choice are vasa, licoris, amalaki and chandana.

Kapha type – Herbs of choice are camphor, trikatu, triphala, guggulu and shilajit.

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