Sunday, August 17, 2008

Gastric Ulcer: Ayurvedic Treatment, Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms


Pain due to gastric ulcer is very typical. It starts immediately after meals, and gets relieved about 1 and ½ hours after eating when the stomach is empty or after vomiting.

Types and Symptoms

It can be acute or chronic. In the acute type the pain is very severe, and it starts suddenly after eating spicy food or food which causes gas in stomach. In the chronic type there is constant pain related to the intake of food. It may or may not be associated with burning in the stomach, nausea, or vomiting.


A simple home made preparation of charcoal of amalaki is very useful to treat this condition. First bring fresh emblica fruits, cut them into pieces and remive the seeds. Then dry the fruits and put them on iron pan. Put it on low fire, black soot with be formed, as the pieces with turn into a black charcoal. When the powder gets cool mix it with crystalline sugar and psyllium husk. This mixture is hygroscopic, hence must be kept in jar with tight lid. Give this mixture 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Charcoal of emblica absorbs the excess acid in the stomach and helps to heal the ulcer. It is also mild laxative in action.

Tab. Shatavari 500 mgm; with tab. Amalaki 500 mgm, twice a day Or vajrakshara powder 125 mgm, twice a day for 3 weeks should be given .

Amlapittantaka lauha or dhatri lauha (BR) 250 mgm; twoce a day should be given.


Anti-Pitta diet is advised. Avoid irregular meals, foods and drinks that irritate the stomach like spices, hot and sour foods, tobacco, and alcohol.

Beneficial foods are old basmati rice, milk, ghee, and butter. Fruits like oranges, raspberries, plums, melons are good, Vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, lettuce, and alfalfa sprouts are also advisable.

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